Cloud & IT infrastructure

Growing With Our Clients

Cloud & IT infrastructure

Our research shows that nearly two-thirds of companies have not achieved the benefits they expected out of cloud initiatives. Our singular focus is helping clients design intelligent cloud solutions – whether public, private or hybrid – that maximize business value and drive innovation.
With deep industry understanding and more than 300 cloud projects under our belt, we can expertly navigate the many paths to realizing the value of cloud. Let us be your guide.

Every business conversation today revolves around SMAC – Social, Mobility, Cloud and Analytics. The cloud is empowering enterprises to transform their businesses – by accelerating digital innovation, enabling agile business platforms and shortening time-to-market. Cloud is the corner stone of a future-ready enterprise.

Infystrat will help you assess your business goals and objectives to identify areas where the cloud can be a valuable and appropriate resource. Strengths of the cloud will be mapped with business and application needs in order to identify the most significant areas of value. Once these key strategic areas are identified, systems and applications will be assessed for cloud viability. Each application will be planned for and modeled in order to ensure that all relevant factors are considered before migrating to a cloud-based environment. The result will be a strategic plan that guides your organization so that you may leverage the benefits of cloud computing while minimizing the downside risks.